We have never been huge social media people, and many of our friends and family have already heard the news, but this weekend we made our first pregnancy #facebookofficial. Although we are officially announcing it to the world for the first time, this has been far from the beginning of our pregnancy journey!

Let Me Quickly Fill You in...
I got married to my amazing husband in June of 2022 and as most couples I'm sure feel, our wedding day truly couldn't have been more magical! We first met in 2015, and after years together, and both of us being in our thirties, we knew we didn't want to wait too long to try having a baby. After all, it's never as easy as you think it will be, and we knew far too many family and friends who had tried and not been successful for much longer than we wanted to wait. So five weeks, a honeymoon, and a new house later, amidst moving boxes my husband looked at me and asked, "Weren't you supposed to get your period last week?" Well with the craziness of our new married life this was something that slipped both our minds, but one pregnancy test later and the results were in. Baby Morrow was no longer just a future hope!
So I called my doctor, scheduled our first appointment to meet, and 28 weeks later it's crazy to think that I'm now officially beginning my third trimester! That's not to say there haven't been bumps (literally and figuratively) along the way, but those are for another post, so scroll to the bottom of the homepage to SUBSCRIBE and read all about them.
Until then, Wondering What Got Me in the Blog Mindset?
Moving into my third trimester, I'm no longer the only one I know pregnant and going through a first pregnancy along with some of my relatives and closest friends has been more fun and exciting than I can put into words! It has also made talks of babies a new norm and something I truly enjoy hearing about, after all what better way to learn and prepare than to hear it from new and veteran moms themselves. And on the flip side I've had many people not quite to their third trimester yet coming to me with questions and wanting to learn and prepare as well. If I could share with those closest to me, why not share with anyone who wants to know more, and so became the idea of It All Started with a Baby!