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Writer's pictureStephanie

How to Do Tummy Time with Your New Baby

Updated: Feb 1

Tummy time is one of the most important ways for your baby to develop their motor skills, hand eye coordination, and build the muscles they will later later to sit up, crawl, walk, and so much more. If you have a gassy baby, tummy time is also a great way to put light pressure on their stomachs and help get that gas out. Click a section below to jump ahead or read on to find out:

What Is Tummy Time & When Do We Start?

Tummy time is pretty much exactly what it sounds like, laying your baby on their tummy for play and exercise. But tummy time can also sometimes refer to the time that a baby is laying on their side, or back. Tummy time can start in your babies first week and should always be supervised to make sure your baby is safe.

Although you can start with newborn babies, younger babies are not able and rarely tolerate tummy time for very long. As they get older they will be able to go longer stretches on their bellies. Doctors recommend doing 1 hour of tummy time a day with your baby, but with a newborn, this may only be a minute here and there, so break up your tummy time sessions throughout the day. With our newborn we kept tummy time short often only 1-5 minutes so that he wasn't frustrated being on his belly and it was something he didn't mind doing. After laying on his belly a bit, we would put him on his back, and continue switching back and forth. As he got older, he was able to stay on his stomach longer, for stretches of 10-15 minutes at a time. We were also able to add in some time on his side. It's important to remember, tummy time is a lot of work for a newborn, so if your baby starts to get upset, it's time for a break.

Where Can We Do Tummy Time?

Tummy time can be done pretty much on any firm surface where your baby is supervised and safe. It is recommended when baby is not being supported or held to have them on the floor. Some ideas include on a play time mat, on a blanket, on a towel, in a pack and play, and my favorite supported and laying on your chest or legs. You can even change it up and use things such as an exercise ball, a comfy chair, a clean foot rest, or in the air like an airplane. Get creative and allow your baby to see things from different vantage points.

What Positions Can We Put Our Baby In For Tummy Time?

During tummy time your baby could be in a variety of positions, of course the main position being lying flat on their stomachs. But this can sometimes include time on their back. You can also roll up a towel or blanket and use it under their arms/ chest to prop them up. Sometimes babies that do not like tummy time much, tolerate this a little better, as it puts less pressure on their bellies. Babies can also be placed on their sides with a the rolled up towel or blanket behind their backs to support them.

What Do We Do During Tummy Time?

This is the question I get asked most often, as a new born baby doesn't seem to do much. But that doesn't mean you can't help them to start learning about the world around them, strengthening their muscles, and stimulating their senses. Here is a list of some of my favorite things to do with a newborn during tummy time!

  • Hang toys in front of them, above them, and around them at different heights

  • Let them look in a mirror

  • Brush their hair (We love this 2 piece set.)

  • Use vibrating toys so they feel movement

  • Show them black and white high contrast cards (These are my favorite!)

  • Make and play different sounds for them

  • Read and show them books (Our baby loved the other baby faces in this book!)

  • Play music for them

  • Lay with them where they can see you

  • Make eye contact and smile at them

  • Have them look at a toy or high contrast card and practice following it with their eyes, then later their head (great for checking vision)

  • Have them follow your voice or a noise (great for checking hearing)

  • Sing to them

  • Introduce different textures, touching them to their hands and feet

  • Tickle their feet (check to see if they curl their toes one of their first reflexes)

  • Give them a massage with baby safe lotion or ointment (This is our favorite!)

  • On their back- Bicycle their legs

  • On their back- Cross body stretching- hand to opposite foot

These were just some of the things we did with our newborn to make tummy time more fun and keep his attention a bit longer. What other tummy time things did your baby love? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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