Wondering if your baby's poop is normal or what's causing it to look a bit different than normal? Read on to find out!
The first few poops your newborn makes, also called meconium, are a mix of amniotic fluid and other things their bodies ingested while in the womb. These greenish, tar like poops are very normal during their first few days. About the time you are heading home from the hospital though, your baby will begin their more regular baby poops. But what do these regular poops look like?
Yellow and Seedy
These are most likely the poops you want to see in your babies diaper.
Normal baby poop is a dark mustard like yellow color, a bit runny, and seedy. Most new babies poop after every feed, or almost every feed. As they age a few months, they will begin to poop much less. A healthy amount of baby poop can vary from a few times a day to once a week.
Dark Yellow or Tan
Formula fed baby poop will have fairly similar poops, however their poop will be less runny, and more of a dark yellow or tan color.
Greenish- brown poops most often occur once babies start eating solids. These poops will become a bit more firm, a lot smellier, but can also vary in color depending on what they eat. A darker green poop often means an iron filled diet, usually eaten my mom or in the formula. A lighter green poop however is often not a great sign. These poops can be mean your baby is sick or that your baby is possibly getting too much lower fat milk, often caused by switching sides too early when nursing.
Final Notes
If you notice your baby's poop is black, white, red or too liquid like or hard, please contact your pediatrician and let them know so your baby can be properly checked. These can be signs of something wrong.
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